<ショップオープン記念> 奇跡の柿酢 飲み比べセット
<ショップオープン記念> 奇跡の柿酢 飲み比べセット
【個別の箱なし・ご家庭用です】 ※ギフト用はこちらのリンクをご覧ください
新酢・熟成酢・ブレンド酢の各200ml, 3種類の飲み比べセットです。
- 原料は無農薬・無肥料栽培の柿だけ
- 水も砂糖も、化学的に培養された菌もいっさい使用していません
- 100% 柿のエキス
- 火入れをせず天然菌が生きています
- 薬品は使わず木綿の布でこしています
*No individual boxes, for home use
*For gift use, please see this link. This is a set to compare 3 types of vinegar: new vinegar, aged vinegar, and blended vinegar. 200ml each.
・New Vinegar
New vinegar is persimmon vinegar that has been aged for 3~4 years. The young vinegar still has some sharp edges, but it still has a lot of the fruity flavor of persimmon vinegar.
・Aged vinegar
Compared to new vinegar, persimmon vinegar has less persimmon vinegar flavor, but has a more rounded, deep and mellow taste.
・Blended vinegar
Blended vinegar is made by blending freshly prepared new vinegar with vinegar aged for 5 to 8 years to give a fruity and mellow taste.
The taste of the fruit from the 200~300 year old trees at the foot of the Unzen Mountains is somewhat powerful.
Persimmon vinegar is made without pesticides or fertilizers, without heating, and without filtration.
It is fermented for six months and aged for more than three years without the use of water or alcohol.
The aged vinegar was selected as one of 20 pruned products in the treasured foodstuff contest of the trade magazine "Ryouri Tsushinsha" and was evaluated as "the amber-colored drops that have been matured combine a round aroma and umami taste that transcends the concept of vinegar.
The only ingredients are persimmons grown without pesticides or fertilizers.
No water, sugar, or chemically cultivated bacteria are used.
100% persimmon extract
No fire-roasting, natural fungi are still alive.
No chemicals are used, and the product is strained through a cotton cloth.
*Because it is unfiltered, unheated, and contains live bacteria, hazy sediment may form at the bottom of the bottle, but there is no quality problem.